"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
I know it's been a while, but we haven't had anything new to share. Today, we really don't have much to share, but I thought it was about time to update everyone.
First, the process is slow. We were under the impression that we might be able to start the MAPP classes this summer, but that doesn't look so right now. The estimate is that once you start MAPP classes the average wait time until placement is the length of a pregnancy (give or take a few months). With those first thoughts, that had us thinking placement would be anytime from next May-July. Right now, we don't plan on this happening. Bobby and I have a feeling it will closer to fall of 2013, and we're are completely content with that. Truthfully, we'd be content if it were spring to 2014. Only God knows when our perfect time will be!
Here are some of the things I do know. Currently, there are seven families licensed and waiting for placement. For some reason we had this notion that it was like twenty to thirty families - seven is nothing! There are also families working on their license right now and farther along in the process. So at most, there maybe fifteen families "ahead of us".
The other concerning factor is there have not been any birth moms until recently. Last week apparently, a birth mom came in, went through all the documentation, gave birth, and placement happened all within a week! WOWZERS!! That's fast! My one request is to please say a prayer for any birth mom right now who is struggling with determining what the best decision is for her and her child. It has to be the most difficult decision to make in the world. I am thankful there are strong selfless mothers out there who do choose adoption.
The next MAPP class will start in the fall. Most likely we would be invited to that one. Currently, the FCBH is working on creating an online MAPP course for adoptive families. We're not sure the route that we will be taking these courses, but it will happen.
Other than that, there has been absolutely no headway on the nursery. None! This fall it will be painted, and a crib will be bought. From there we don't know what else to do. We are working on creating a baby registry as well, so our friends and family can help prepare for our little bundle of joy. If she comes as quickly as the baby last week, or a few of other friends we know, we need to be prepared way ahead of time!
That's it for now! Blessings from Florida!!!