Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Past Month

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith - Mathew 21:22

What can I say? The past month has been an amazing blur! Edison is an amazing baby who sleeps well, eats well, plays well, rides in the car well. We feel like we won the baby lottery. Actually we feel like God knew exactly who we were supposed to have to break us into this parenthood thing. Here are some highlights:

  • blessed beyond belief from our family far away and with two work baby showers, a shower from the church choir, and our church family/friends
  • an Orlando shopping trip with one of my best friends
  • lots of laundry
  • lunch with daddy
  • Edison's first Disney trip because mom and dad had to go to Food and Wine at Epcot
  • lots of diapers
  • slept through the night once
  • met Gramma and Grandpa Austin in September
  • lots of formula and bottles
  • circumcision
  • trips to Babies R Us and Target
  • lots of naps
  • met Grandma Fernbaugh today
  • one Halloween costume made 

While I am happy to go back to work, I wish I could take E with me. Thankfully Bobby will be off until mid November.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

God is GREAT!!!

I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. Samuel 1:27

On Friday August 29th I was leaving work slightly excited because we were going car shopping to replace the Mazda (that's a different story) and just ready for the holiday weekend when  . . . we got THE call. A birth mother had chosen us to adopt her son! We learned he was to be born on Wednesday September 10th. Yes a week and a half later!! If you can imagine, we were filled with every kind of emotion and fear that first time parents have nine months to go through . . . only we had 12 days. Plus nothing is ever guaranteed in the world of adoption. So, if it seems like we slightly dropped off the face of the planet  . . . we slightly did. We also apologize that we didn't share what was happening sooner. With as fast as everything moved, we felt the need to keep control of this information and only let family and our closest friends know what was happening. There is no doubt that God provide all of the items we still needed in order to bring him home and the strength to get sub plans ready for several weeks and leave times figured out all within a finite amount of time. His presence continued to be felt throughout the last two weeks.

We are happy to introduce Edison Samuel
September 10th
9:32 AM
6 lbs 15 oz
19 inches

We had the privilege of being able to spend time with Edison at the hospital. On Friday, there were multiple documents signed, Edison was discharged, and we were able to bring him home. Farnsworth LOVES Edison! The running joke is Edison is Farny's baby because of how protective and concerned he is with every sound Edison makes. Miley is still on the fence. She did have a nice moment with Bobby and I this afternoon when we were holding Edison. I think she'll grow to like him but is just scared of how excited Farny is.

While there are several more steps before everything is finalized, we are completely honored that our birth mother chose us. There were many other families she could have selected, but she picked us. We had the privilege to meet her before Edison was born and continue to build a relationship with her at the hospital. I consider it an honor to help build that relationship we establish with Edison so he realizes and understands what a selfless act his birth mother made for him and in the end how content she was with her decision in us.

This is God's plan!

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus - Phillippians 4:6-7

This afternoon we signed our last page of our home study and are licensed!!! YAY!! While there I was asking our adoption coordinator how many families are currently licensed and how many birth mothers are they working with. Her answer completely surprised us!! She has already shown our book to two potential birth families. While one is leaning towards another family, she is waiting to her back from the second birth mother. I then decided to ask when she is due . . . the answer - September!!! What!!!! That's in 30 days from now!!! So here's what we have been discussing and know (it's not much).

1. This birth mother still has the opportunity to not select us. We have no clue when in September she is due and if it's a boy or a girl. We know nothing except that the adoption coordinator is waiting to hear from her.

2. We have no clue what is to come. This is truly scary and REAL! At some point, they're going to let us bring home a little baby and it will stay with us forever! AGH!

3. And when there is so many things you want to do and need to do, but because you don't have any answers and your mind is racing what do you do? You go to Target, walk through the baby stuff, realize how ill prepared you are, and discuss all of the things you need to do, want to do, but can't do anything yet because you don't know how real this might be and if you're getting ready for a boy or a girl. Then you buy a mobile.

Most importantly we were confirmed that everything is in God's will. It is His plan. We continue to feel his presence at every turn. Right now, our child is somewhere out there. As we plan for the future, someone is out there thinking about us a potential parents for her child. What an overwhelming thought. Someone is pregnant right this minute with the child God has planned for our family. How do you even begin to comprehend that? 

Once again, we ask for your continued prayers. There are many things out of our control, and we have very little information. Please pray for us to continue to find peace as we have no clue what the next few months will hold. Nothing may happen or our entire world is about to be rocked. The amount of changes that may occur are overwhelming, but we have no doubt that this is God's plan. Please pray for our child's birth mother. I can not imagine all of the emotions she is going through at this point. I pray she has taken some prenatal care and is finding comfort in her choices. At this point we just need your prayers . . . lots and lots of prayers. 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Answering Prayers

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24

I know it's been several months since we last posted, but we have been waiting for somethings to happen and a few things to fall into place the last two months are so. Here's a quick run down of the steps we have made.
1. We finished all of the paperwork and turned it in to the FBCH in February.
2. The end of March (actually our anniversary when we were dealing with Bobby's shoulder stuff), the social worker called to schedule our first home study.
3. We have complete the home study and are waiting for the written report to be submitted.
4. We finished our adoption profile movie. This is what birthmothers will view when selecting an adoptive family. It's pretty cool!!!
5. We have 95% of our letter to the birthmother written as well. It's one of those documents, that no matter how many times you read it, edit it, rewrite it, edit it some more, it will always feel like something could be said better. Until we actually turn it in, I don't think we will ever feel that it is finished.
6. We bought a stroller/car seat travel system (SCARY!!!!)

Now . . . we wait some more. There are a few more things we need to complete, but things have moved more quickly the last two months than they have the 24 months before then.

Most importantly, we continue to see God's hand in every step.  In February I was faced with this devotional.
Have you ever doubted My heart for you? Is that why you find it hard to ask for My help when you are in such great need? Have faith in your heavenly Father. Know that My promises to you are true.

If you ask of Me, you will receive. Not on your terms, but on Mine. If you seek Me you will find Me; I will come to you. If you know, I will open the door for you. I have spoken; I have promised; I have invited you to come to Me. Now I am awaiting your response.

I long to spend time alone with you, My beloved. Sometimes it is hard for you to be transparent with Me when others are around. So get away somewhere private, in your room or in a quiet garden. And when you come to Me in secret, I will demonstrate My goodness to you before many. They will know of My love for you. 

If you wonder whether I desire to bless you, think about this: Even evil people know how to give good gifts to their children. So just imagine how much more I not only want to do, but also can do for you, if you will just ask Me. For I am your heavenly Father, the Lord who delights in those who put their hope in My unfailing love. 

I still read this and can feel God speaking directly to me. It's a heavy message, but one of hope, faith, love, trust, and encouragement. It was one of those "Okay, I heard you God" moments.

Well, last year, Bobby and I prayed that God would slow down the adoption process and that if He could just hold out until the summer of 2014, financially adopting a child would be significantly easier. We all know, that I really struggled, when everything stopped last spring, but now I can look back and see God's hand in everything. We made it to summer of 2014! Now, that we got here, our next big question was where will the large chunk of the adoption cost come from. He came with an answer before we were even ready to pray about it. Just before spring break, I learned that the school district is setting up new summer school programs. One of the K-5 programs will be hosted at my school 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Teachers will be paid at their normal daily rate, and not the cheap hourly rate the district likes to pay for professional development, tutoring, planning, and other qualifying activities. I haven't wanted to share a lot about this incase it didn't work out, but today I learned that I will be teaching this program. By working this summer, Bobby and I can save 75% of our adoption cost that remains.  I can not explain how amazing it is to realize that God had answered our prayer and then provided a clear answer to our next prayer. It overwhelms me sometimes how incredible everything has fallen into place.

At the end of the day, we are truly blessed. God listened to our prayers (even if He didn't work in the way we thought it should go) and was ready with the answer to the next question before we were ready to ask it. He is ah-mazing!!!

Once again, we continue to ask for your prayers that God's presence will continue to be felt and made known through this journey. Prayer for the birthmothers who is having to make an extremely difficult decision for her son or daughter.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually! 1 Chronicles 16:11

For about the past six weeks I've had a blog idea in my head that I have wanted to write, but I haven't been sure how to write it or even if I should. I've started to write it in my head, and then I quit afraid others won't understand. Our blog is titled Journey to Parenthood, and what I want to share is a part of our journey. So here I sit hoping praying that the nice right best most honest words come out to express what has been on our mind.

Essentially our adoption journey in 2013 was an emotional one. We had completed everything the FBCH had required us to do just before Christmas of 2012 and were waiting for them to green light the home study process. In 2013 we were told that everything was on a hold and they had no clue when we would begin. They couldn't even guestimate if we would start by end of of 2013. Emotionally that is difficult hard gut wrenching to process when you're setting up a nursery, looking at strollers to buy, and every other scary thing that comes with a newborn. The best description for our emotions last spring were as close to a miscarriage as we could experience. To be planning and preparing and then left with nothing and really no hope of anything happening in 2013 was hard. Essentially, we decided we needed to live life and not plan anything for the adoption for the remainder of 2013.

So, we traveled a lot and spent a lot of time playing at Disney World. Every time we thought about or went to the SPCA and looked for another cat or dog, the FBCH would email us with a message that said we might be able to start in 2-4 weeks. It happened once in June and again in August. Each time we'd think something might be happening, and then we'd go months without another word. Again, here's another emotional roller coaster. I want to make this clear, Bobby and I know, understand, and accept that adoption is not easy, but most times it's because you are waiting for a child and birthparents, and not your own adoption agency not capable to handling to workload they have accepted.

Now this leads me to what has been on my mind lately. While Bobby and I have been going through this there are two things that we continued to and still struggle with today.

1. I fully understand that children are God's blessing, but when people say things about their children begin God's greatest gift, as a woman and a man who desperately want that experience it is very hard to not take it personally. Does God deem that Bobby and I are not worthy of His greatest gift? For those of you who really know me, know that I have fully accepted the benefits of not being pregnant and putting my body through that torture glorious experience. I have enough medical issues that I am thankful God knows what He is doing. I also know His plan is better than ours and I trust it, but it's still something that hurts. How do I say this honestly - be sensitive with your words. You're family can be your greatest gift, but please don't put so much emphasis on the greatest gift being pregnancy or your child around someone who can't or won't experience it.

2. Every so often we are taken aback by a friend (mostly high school Facebook friends who we don't keep in good contact with) announce they are pregnant  . . . again. Let me make this clear, we are very excited for our friends who are pregnant, this is about our emotions!!!! Bobby and I can't help but think that they're working on their second or third child and here we are just praying for one. Really people all we pray for is A child. Which leads to the slightly irrational idea that maybe we are getting too old for a child. If most of our friends are finished having their multiple children and we are still praying for number one, wouldn't it be easier to get another dog, cat, and an Audi (I can dream)? Last month one of my best friends gave me the best advice as we were talking about this. If having a child is in your heart, you are never too old. It is in our heart, so we continue.

Well that leads us to December 18, 2013. We received an email with actual home study adoption paperwork to fill out (45 pages of it). Yes! It took one full year of us sending in our last document for them to start the next step. Then this week we received another packet of paperwork to complete, sign, send away, sell a kidney for, notarize, and who knows what else. While this is overwhelming, we can't help but think how ironic the number of people who carelessly have a child because they have the capabilities of this and not necessarily the heart for having a child. I am not going to lie-it is frustrating. Again, getting another dog, cat, and an Audi seems way more easier than the now 100 pages we have to complete (along with a snazzy scrapbook for the FBCH to show off to prospective birthparents).

So that's where our journey has taken us in 2013. It's not pretty, but it's a part of our story. Hopefully you have a better understanding as to what has and has not been happening and will continue to pray for God's hand to continue His work in this adoption process.