Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Week Flew By

Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD - Psalms 27:14

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read our first post, say a word of congratulations or encouragement, and even say a prayer. We feel blessed to have so many people support our decision.

After several messages and phone calls we received a hefty well-informed email and an attachment filled with plenty of information. It was overwhelming and scary wonderful to read everything, but then I started worrying. Finally, Bobby told me that I can worry about stuff when we reach that part of the journey but that we weren't there yet. So here are the three things we know at this point

1) We have a lengthy nice application we need to fill out and submit to the Florida Children's Baptist Home. They have a committee who will review it before the FCBH will even agree to partner with us. I mean truthfully, they could look at our application, say no, and then we're back at square one. Bobby isn't too worried about this happening, but they could still say no, and I feel that I need to plan for all possibilities even this . . .

2) On February 13th we have an orientation meeting to go to in Orlando. After that we should have a lot more information to share and most likely a lot more questions as well. We could have gone to the orientation meeting in Lakeland, but it is not scheduled until the end of March. We don't want to be on the fast track to adoption, but we also know it is too easy to put it off and continue to find a reason to put it off. This is a priority, and we have to attend the orientation before we can submit our application. Why wait any longer?

3) The Florida Children's Baptist Home provides several different types of adoption. There are two major types. First, they match birth mothers with adoptive families and help facilitate private adoptions. They also partner with DCF and facilitate adoptions through that system as well. We were leaning one way, and then after talking about it, we are starting to lean the other way. Both types of adoptions have a number of pros and cons. At this point, we are hoping to get more information on the 13th to help make this decision and be able to sit down face to face with someone from FCBH to make this decision more clear.

Until then, we continue to wait and pray.

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