Saturday, May 5, 2012

An Answer

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3 I had this nice long blog update typed this morning. I saved it so I could show Bobby before publishing it, and wouldn't you know it . . . it's gone. Missing. Disapprearred. MIA. This morning I was much more philosophical, so now I can guarantee that what I type will not be any better than what I originally had but here it goes. On Thursday Bobby and I recieved a letter from the FCBH informing us that they had accepted our application! Everything we had been waiting for and starting to prepare for over the last two months was answered. We don't have any additional information. Bobby and I have held on to this for the last few days. We wanted to tell a few people before we announced it to the world. Our neighbor, who is currently adopting her second daughter through them informed us earlier in the week that the next MAPP class should begin in August. That is the next major hurdle that we have to do through the agency. From there, the average wait is that of a pregnancy. All of this is subject to change, but if it goes the way our neighbor Martye explained we could have a baby in our arms the beginning of summer next year! Slightly frightening! Do they know we have no clue about little ones? Does everyone realize we will be asking you a bazillion questions? We ask that you continue to pray for our child, his or her birthmother, and a healthy pregnancy. So many things could happen in the beginning and hopefully the birthmother will be aware and take care of herself and the baby. God continues to show us how great He is! Many blessings to everyone!!!

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