This verse seems to fit perfectly where we are right now in the adoption process. Unfortunately there really isn't any news to share. Several times over the summer we thought we were going start our home study, but nothing came to fruition. As we continue on with this process, we are reminded that even when we feel like something isn't going right, it is going right in God's plan. He knows exactly how this is supposed to go and who our son or daughter is. His timing is perfect, and I have to trust it. I can't make the process go any fast, so I might as well just accept that God has His reasons. The last word we had in August, was that we were next on the list to start our home study. There may be hope that we are licensed for adoption by the end of the year. When that happens, we'll let you know.
We also wanted to share with you one way that you can help us out. Watch our vlog (video blog) below and check it out.
HERE IS THE LINK (I didn't want you to miss it).
We've also placed an icon on the right side of the blog too.
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