Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Wait Continues

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

This verse seems to fit perfectly where we are right now in the adoption process. Unfortunately there really isn't any news to share. Several times over the summer we thought we were going start our home study, but nothing came to fruition. As we continue on with this process, we are reminded that even when we feel like something isn't going right, it is going right in God's plan. He knows exactly how this is supposed to go and who our son or daughter is. His timing is perfect, and I have to trust it. I can't make the process go any fast, so I might as well just accept that God has His reasons. The last word we had in August, was that we were next on the list to start our home study. There may be hope that we are licensed for adoption by the end of the year. When that happens, we'll let you know.

We also wanted to share with you one way that you can help us out. Watch our vlog (video blog) below and check it out.

HERE IS THE LINK (I didn't want you to miss it). 
We've also placed an icon on the right side of the blog too. 

Thank you so much for all of your love, prayers, and support through this process. It has been extremely long, but God must have one great plan for our family. We can't wait to share it with everyone!

Friday, March 29, 2013

taking heart

I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

This week I came across this verse right when both Bobby and I needed it. We both understand the adoption process is long and filled with many ups and downs. We were not really prepared for the down we received last week. Since October, we have been told to finish the adoption classes, and then they will have a time frame for when the home study will begin. Bobby and I have been waiting since December to find out. We had been planning and hoping it would start in the next few months. Well, we are totally wrong. Currently our agency is at capacity for families already licensed and waiting for children. Until several families are placed they are not beginning any home studies. At this point they can not even estimate when this will happen. We know the process hasn't been going fast but we were not ready for it to completely stop (at least that is what it feels like).

So we're trying to find some positives and come to peace with this.
1. They are working with several birth moms. The more birth moms are working with will potentially mean more families can be placed and then it will be our turn. Not every birth mom chooses to give their child up for adoption, some decide to parent in the end.

2. Bobby and I have been praying about the financial side of adoption. This is the one part that excites terrifies us. Next summer, we will finish paying off all of our debt except for the house and student loans. The financial fear of adopting and having a child will be significantly less after that. I guess God really was listening to our prayers about timing.

3. We have also decided  to begin the process of adopting an infant through DCF this summer. Adopting an infant through DCF is a very long process, but if we're currently waiting, we might as well have two possibilities going. What is the saying-don't put all your eggs in one basket?

The only other big update we have is that I found a great dresser/changing combo at the Celebration, FL Yard and Porch Sale the beginning of the month. It definitely needed some changes though.



Yes, I completely redid it with the help and encouragement of a good friend. I even made the yellow changing pad cover to go with everything in the nursery. I am so proud of how it came out!

Needless to say, Bobby and I probably won't have many more updates until there is some progress, which could be quite a while. We have decided to hold off on any more baby preparations. Two weekends ago, we were debating on whether or not to purchase a stroller. I am so happy God was talking to Bobby that night and told him what we should do instead of the stroller. He really is with us through this journey! This morning our adoption agency had this image on their Facebook page. He continues to find ways to talk to Bobby and I through every step and reaffirm what we believe.

Today, we took this picture. The words in the sign, couldn't be anymore true. We will be parents. We just have no clue when at this time.

Again, I just ask that you pray for us as we continue this journey and for birth moms who are currently battling the emotions that come with the decision to parent versus giving their child up for adoption. There is no way I will ever understand what that feels like, but I do know that it takes a strong person to make that decision. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Making Progress

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.   Romans 12:12

I know many people are wondering what has been happening with the adoption since say . . . October. It's been quite a while - oops! The fall seemed to get away from us. Bobby and I had every intention of beginning and finishing our adoption classes before Thanksgiving. There's no easy way to say it, but God had other plans for us this fall with the passing of my grandfather and the disappearance and death of a dear friend of ours from back home. While we were able to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with my whole family and see Bobby's family in November too, we were extremely thankful for December to begin. Our plans may have been derailed, but here's a run down of what we have accomplished.

  • In early November we managed to paint all of the bedrooms upstairs and begin the preparations of turning the den into a nursery. 
  • We finished all 3 of our adoption classes about a week before Christmas.
  • Our adoption profile book is started. We have a few pages done, but have lots more to do. We have found it slightly overwhelming to introduce yourself through a limited number of photos and words in hopes that someone will choose you as their child's parents. 
  • And . . . we bought a crib, mattress, and bedding last month!

Earlier this summer, I came across very similar bedding that I fell in love with but was way out of our price range. I have been searching for something gray, white, with hints of yellow accents. I wanted a chevron pattern as well. I was to the point where I was going to make the bedding so I could have exactly what I wanted. Low and behold, I happened to be shopping for a friend's shower and saw exactly what I wanted, at a price I could afford! Hot-diggity-dog! Then this week an amazing friend made the gray and yellow matching quilt and throw pillow for the nursery (I know the pillow will not stay in the crib. Most likely it will live in the rocking chair up there). She did an amazing job!

We are still waiting to begin our home study. We are unsure of when that will take place, which means we have no clue how long our journey to parenthood will be. Bobby and I often discuss when we hope everything will fall into place, but really we have to trust God. His timing is perfect! It always has been and always will be. I continually remind myself of this as our ideal time most likely will not be His ideal time.

Right now our emotions are very mixed. We are excited, scared, nervous, hopeful . . . did I say scared? It has always been a dream, and now our dream is beginning to become a reality.  Farny is even excited and learning where his spot is in the nursery. Man I love that dog!

Again, we ask you to continue to pray as God leads not only us in this journey but the life of the birth mother as well. She will need His guidance as she begins to plan for her pregnancy, birth, and the life of her child.