Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We are moving on . . .

David also said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We got our email today about the next steps to take! SCARY!! Bobby called me on his way home and mentioned that we got an email, I told him that I saw it, and we both made a comment about how scary exciting it is to take this step (truthfully each step). This step is the step we have been waiting on since May once we knew the FBCH had accepted our application. For the last five months we've been able to sort of live in this fantasy world where we knew there would be a baby someday. Because of how slow things were moving, it didn't seem like it would be anytime soon. Our fantasy world sort of deflated a bit more to the reality of wow this is really happening.

So, the next step is to begin the online version of the MAPP classes next month. Apparently, it's 3 different courses totaling about 6 hours in work. We don't know how long it will actually take for us to complete this step either. It may take one weekend or one month. Once we have the courses completed, we send in our certificate and they will be more able to give us a specific time line. HOLY COW!!! A POTENTIAL TIMELINE-DATE!!! Our fantasy world just became a little more real. So the verse at the beginning is to remind us that as terrified scared worried shocked happy as we are to be taking the next steps, this is still God's work and plan for us. He will not fail us even if we are fearful.

Now, you are probably wondering "What have those Fernbaughs been doing the last five months?" Well, we had to halt a bit on the nursery. I ended up transferring schools this year. So years of teaching resources were moved back to the house, and there just happened to be one completely empty room. How convenient? Now that all of my stuff has either been moved to my new school (I'm teach kindergarten), stored away, sold, or thrown out, we have actually begun painting and cleaning up the bedrooms upstairs. Hopefully by January/February we will have the nursery painted and possibly a crib in place.

Thank you to everyone that has continued to pray for us this year.

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